Two of our photos were featured in InStyles article, “How to Plan a Whirlwind Wedding Like a Royal”. Click here to see the photos and read more on how to make your wedding more royal.
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The Power of a Good Head Shot

Given the rise of social media, a good head shot is more important today than it ever has been for professionals in any career or business.
Take a look at Microsoft, for example. They recently purchased LinkedIn for a remarkable $26 billion. As anyone who uses the LinkedIn website knows, it is a head shot-driven, business-oriented social media site. That means a company as big as Microsoft was willing to shell out billions of dollars for a company focused on these all-important images. If Microsoft thinks this is the future, perhaps you should give a little more consideration to the importance to head shots in your overall business plans.
The Power of a Good Head Shot
Users on LinkedIn are often trying to market themselves to get a job—or a better job. But, did you know the head shot you use on that website can make or break your chances of getting noticed? LinkedIn’s statistics show user profiles without a head shot, or with an unprofessional head shot, get 95% less traffic than those with a professional headshot.
That number is staggering!
A good head shot has one of the highest returns on investment (ROI) of any advertising or promotion that you can do. After all, if you get 95% less traffic without a good head shot, can you afford not to spend that money to make sure your potential clients find you on the internet?
The Right Image for the Right Business
Head shots are business-specific and should not look the same across the board.
- A financial business professional wants a head shot that inspires confidence and trust
- A floral designer wants a head shot that is friendly and candid with more personality.
- An interior designer might want a shot in a beautiful room.
- An athlete’s best option might be an action shot.
But one thing that remains consistent across all professions—the head shots need to be professional. That fun photo your friend took of you last weekend while you were out is not what your potential clients want to see. They want to see an image that inspires conversation about your products or services- not just hang out.
Find the Right Style
The most popular types of head shots today are done in either one of two styles: studio or environmental. A classic head shot in a studio does not have to be boring or conservative but can involve classic portraiture or edgy and artistic images. Shots done outside of a studio can often reflect specific businesses, such as outdoor images for a hiking guide.
With all that said, getting a head shot session done is quick and easy! My typical studio sessions last about 20 minutes and often include the choice of two different outfits or backdrops. I’ve done head shots for many Fortune 500 companies, small business owners, politicians, celebrities. Whatever your field, I’m confident we can fine tune your image and get you noticed!
And don’t forget, when your look changes, so should your head shot! Don’t be afraid to come back and do it again when you’re ready for an update.
Contact me Mike B. Photography for more information or click here to schedule a head shot session now! You won’t regret giving your business the edge you need to connect and make yourself stand out!
Don't you think it’s time to put your best face forward?